Patterns of Fate is offering a New Program,
Leadership Astrology and the Relational Field
Six 3-day weekends, in 6 months intervals | Tuition, Room, and Board: $800 per session | Kennedy Learning Center, Nobleboro Maine
2020: April 30-May 3 |October 8-11 2021: March 25-28 | Oct 14-17 2022: Apr 7-10 | Sep 29-Oct 2
We add the phrase ‘In These Times’ to the title Patterns of Fate because it resonates inward in psyche and outward across the chaotic times we are experiencing. While acknowledging the realities of the global unrest, we will build a learning community which is stable, hopeful and willing to take on the responsibilities and gifts that are embedded in our natal charts.
We present complex multi-layered material in a slowed down way so that it can be absorbed far away from the anxiety-producing culture we have created In These Times.
The steady base of our curriculum is organized to teach the elements of astrology as a worldview in an experiential, embodied way.
We teach this complex body of ancient wisdom in the context of a healthy group development model that holds the learning community as it develops its own journey.
The curriculum itself offers a nourishing menu.
The community offers accountability and mindful searching.
The location offers a quiet respite from the busy daily world.
We have developed this experience-based program over 15 years by adapting, polishing and refining the content with each cycle. Because our textbook is made of our own natal charts, our own shared experience of each other and our own reflections on collective process and politics, we generate our own culture and while doing so, observe, evaluate and improve it as we live through the 6 sessions. The relational field is at the center of our attention and it holds the edges of the circle.
In this time tested model of experienced-based learning we focus on how:
- astrology can serve as a life-planning compass, helping to define our leadership style.
- a learning community can serve as a container for individuation, although we do not offer a substitute for counseling or therapy.
- the relational field is a living energetic entity that holds us as we create it, contains us as we expand and contract and helps us embody our natal chart assignments.
- to work toward restoring the natural balance between Sun and Moon forces, yin/yang energy, feminine and masculine identities and powers without getting stuck in traditional binary polarizations.
Together we will study:
- the fundamentals of the astrological worldview by investigating mythic and archetypal patterns in our lives through a collaborative study of individual fates. Our astrological charts will be our textbook.
- a nature-based theory of group dynamics which holds all the elegant complexity of our individual differences. In our work we are intentionally linking perception to projection, content to process, theory to practice.
- our human connection to the lunation cycle by coming to understand how the moon phase influences the pattern of leadership in each of our lives.
- The total price is $4800 all inclusive, room, board and tuition. ($800 per weekend)
- To hold your place, please register by making a payment of $300 non-refundable deposit (unless we are able to fill your place) check. The remaining payments can be made in full, $4500, or in six installments, $750 each.
- If paying in installments, payment will be due one month before the program.
- If you need further financial assistance please be in touch with either of us.
- If you are unable to attend a session, you will be responsible for only the tuition part $460, if we are notified a week in advance.
Please send checks to Arifa Boehler:
63 Back Meadow Rd, Damariscotta ME 04543
Please share this notice as you see fit. We plan to have a learning community of 12-16 people. For more information visit patternsoffate.com
Arifa Boehler
63 Back Meadow Road Damariscotta, Maine 04543 Ph. (207) 563-5583 www.arifaboehler.com Email: rifi@tidewater.net
Alexandra Merrill
19 Glad Farm Road St. George, Maine 04860 Ph. (207) 372-8972 www.alexandramerrill.com Email: abkm38@gmail.com